At the moment Steve and I aren’t sure where we are going to end up in the next couple months.
Thus making it rather difficult to make any decisions as to where we need to move.
We are waiting for Steve’s job to tell us where they plan to send us for his next project.
It could be local or it could be out of state. It could be next month or it could be next fall.
We know that we have to be out of our current house by the end of April.
That is when our landlord is getting officially foreclosed and we get the boot.
(Till then we get to live rent free!)
By April we should know what the deal is with Steve’s job too.
If it turns out to be local, we want to buy a house.
So I have been spending a lot of time looking and looking and looking.
It’s really just a big tease because I find something I love but have no idea if we will even be around to attempt to buy it.
Still, it gives me something to look forward too …. Kinda.
With the way the market is, we can really get some bang for our buck.
I am in love with Craftsmen Bungalows… so that is what I have focused on.
Steve likes them too, but doesn’t have the same emotional attachment I have to them.
He sees the age, wear and potential money suckers they could be.
But, I don’t care! “Look at the built in shelving and the cute heater vents!!”
Here are some details of places I have been eyeing
Doesn’t the aqua room look like a magical dream!? Ahhhhh.
If you're looking for a realtor to help out with the hunting, I would recommend Scott Cowan, he helped Andrew and I buy our house, and the man is an absolute god-send. Extremely knowledgeable, always helpful, tries like hell to find a house best suited for the person… that kind of thing. Let me know if you want his contact info!
I love craftsman details too! I did the same thing when we were sort of house hunting. Although now we can't get rid of the dang thing and I wish we were in the carefree position you are! Grrr. Will I ever be happy?
Those houses are adorable though and market research is key, so happy hunting!