This weekend we chopped down mother nature so that we could enjoy some wilderness inside our living room for 3 weeks.
Steve and I met up with my sister and her boyfriend and went to a tree farm out in Issaquah to find the perfect Abies procera.
(that’s a noble fur, for those of you that don’t speak tree)
Unfortunately Noble furs are ridiculously $$$. So we got this one instead. I don’t know what it is… but it was $52.00 and we had a $5.00 off coupon! Win!
If i pretend to be busy taking photos, I don’t have to work
I did however help decorate, that’s the fun part!
Here she is!
And the fireplace
And the console table
While I was taking pics, I decided to give you a tour of the house.
Not all at once though. Sorry, gotta keep you coming back somehow.
I bet you were all wondering what the house of a pie baking, cake decorating maniac looked like.
Well, wonder no more. I will show you!
The living room- I think the antlers need some lights.
I should make holiday hats for this guy and change them out.
On the dining room table
My collection of vintage religious Christmas figurines… not sure how I started collecting these… but they are fun.
Some of them I found in my grandma’s garage a few years ago after grandpa passed away and we were cleaning the place out.
This man was a hoarder FO SHO.
We pulled out 7 coffee makers and 3 thigh masters and multiple sets of skis,among other things.
Anyway, I found a box with a few of these inside with some cloth and paper… which i later discovered was a rat nest and it was full of droppings… Don’t worry I washed these off before putting them in my house. Lovely.
Is your house all decorated and ready for the holidays?!
Steve is putting up the lights outside tonight! I guess I should toss out my pumpkin that has been sitting on the front porch since Halloween….
We got our tree at home depot. So expensive! Normally we head to the mountains with a $10 permit, but there was too much snow this year.
Still working on my decor, but my nativity scene is missing a baby jesus.