I wanted to do a little follow up on this cake…. so that no one takes it too seriously.
I got a phone call asking if I could make a “drunken pink elephant” cake for a woman’s daughter’s 21st Birthday.
Most people would say “What in the SAM hell is a drunken pink elephant cake?!”
But, I knew exactly what it was.
Ya see, I have seen this mess of a cake online many times before.
In fact one of it’s most popular postings is on a blog I follow , you can see the post Here!
Anyway, I agreed to do a “version” of this cake, I knew I could replicate it but make it a little less of an elephant orgy gone wrong.
The woman ordering this cake told me that she received this cake for her 21st B.day and thought it would be fun to remake it for her daughter.
This cake design originally came out in the 60’s. It’s debut was in a decorating book called “Magic in Frosting” Nuff Said.
So…. here is my final creation!
The quote of the day is:
” There is no quicker road to drama, than a bunch of assumptions crossed with silence”